Monday 14 January 2013

tsunami memorial

looking for memorials designed for victims of natural disasters i found this design done for the tsunami victims.the way the architect uses the element of the disaster. ie, the ocean as a part of the design and acheives the tranquility the space demands is something i found very admirable. also the way the screen is set against the sunset and the peices of stone representing the victims of the disaster including the viewer to walk through the space and experience the memory and also a end point where he could stand and think or look at the ocean( the cause) from is something i found very intresting in this project

'the white field of stones' at the edge of land and water
is a tsunami memorial for the Norwegian victims on the west coastal zone of the peninsula Bygdøy, South of Oslo.

The monument consists of a loose field of white stones and a grouped part that assembles into a path and a kind of raft.
The raft itself is like an 'unfolded book' of which the standing part makes a screen
with openings as a counter form of the white stones of the raft.The raft that holds the white stones together is made of black basalt.

From the sea, the stones and screen will light up against Bygdøy as the background.

Each stone in the raft represents a Norwegian tsunami victim.
The openings that mirror the stones in the raft are all unique, symbolising the (souls of the) victims.

The memorial is oriented towards the west, in order to experience the sunset every day and has a zero ecological footprint, all materials are natural and will last for centuries.
The white stones and the screen are made of fibre reinforced white prefab concrete.The tidal movement is around one foot.
The raft rests on the sea floor and is always surrounded by water.The memorial is a place for ceremonies, where visitors, individuals as well as families and groups, can reconciliate past and future.The openings, through which ocean, horizon and sky are present,are designed for personal ceremonies.


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