Saturday 8 December 2012

Holocaust History Museum

Another project that caught my eye while i was looking at buildings designed as a rememberance to the jewish holocaust was the holocaust history museum at jeruselum by moshe safdie.
the form of the building and the concept of a museum which was a building busting out of earth towards the north..a volcanic eruption of light and life was a different take in representing the jewish history. here the architects takes the user through a journey in which the holocaust is explained and seen at the various stages through the journey in the building and the end of the building opens into the clear sky over the hillside showing the light and life aspect. the concept of light at the end of a dark tunnel is taken literally in this building and i found that concept really intresting

The Holocaust History Museum, the most essential component of Safdie's 800,000-square-foot project, Most of the Museum's concrete and glass "main body" is hidden within the Mount of Remembrance, on which the Yad Vashem campus is situated, allowing little more than its 500 feet elongated, angular spine to convey a sense of its true scale.At one end of the spine, closest to the Museum's entrance and to the Visitors Center, a large triangular prism cantilevers outward over the valley floor, seemingly floating into space.At the opposite end, the museum's low-slung, slender walls burst forth from the hillside to form the curved pair of wings that mark the Museum's exit.A network of galleries, illuminated through the central skylight 60 feet above, are located along the Museum's partially submerged central walkway.The galleries, hidden from view when entering the museum, present the Holocaust chapter by chapter, along its historical and thematic course, as visitors proceed along the walkway.

At the end of the historical narrative the "Hall of Names" forms the final, dramatic display space.
The 30 feet high conical structure, open to the sky, houses the personal records of millions of Jewish Holocaust victims. A reciprocal cone, dug out of the natural bedrock, honors those victims whose names will never be known.

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