Saturday 15 December 2012

holocaust memorial at new york

The memorials designed for he holocaust caught my attention a lot these pervious days and going through many of the these structures across the globe i found this building which is called as the living memorial for the holocaust.The architects usage of the 6 million jews being killed in the form of the roof as a living reminder of the even was something that i found intresting and also the representation of the 6 pointed star of david on the six sides of the building. The connection and indentity realisation in the bulding is very striking as compared to work of daneil lebiskind or petr eisserman in terms of expression.

Located on a narrow, triangular site at the lower tip of Manhattan, this memorial commemorates the victims of the Holocaust and tells the story of the Jews before, during, and after the Holocaust.

The Museum of Jewish Heritage/A Living Memorial to the Holocaust is a simple, austere, and dignified building that houses a powerful message. This hexagonal museum serves as a structural reminder of the six million Jews who perished during the Holocaust. In addition, its six sides embody the six-pointed star of David that celebrates the Jewish people and culture that survived that terrible event.

Its facade of openings and recesses alerts the approaching visitor to the seriousness of the events that occurred. This effect is echoed over and over again in the roof. The roof elements reflect the daylight and at night will be illuminated so that all day and all night this reminder will be with us.

The structure of the museum is a physical symbol devoted to a deeper appreciation of Jewish heritage, an awareness of the Holocaust, and a heightened sense of the sanctity of human life.

The East Wing was completed in 2003. This 70,000 s.f., four-story expansion to the original building contains a state-of-the-art theater, gallery space, classrooms, offices, resource center and library, family history center, memorial garden, café, and special events hall.

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