Saturday 22 June 2013


I Have been looking at various other construction techniques with materials that are not too expensive and easy to construct.

These are some of them that I came across that I thought could be helpful in the design for houses for
people who cannot spend a lot of money. since the design is for tribal people I was looking at materials close to nature so that it defines their character in terms of design and character.

Mud as a material caught my interest as it is available in abundance and a form of earth. various technologies have been developed from ancient time to use this as a building material which I have explored so that I can decide on what I can use for my design.

Fired Mud Houses

A highly peculiar building technique pioneered by Nader Khalili further developed by Ray Meeker the idea is to of build brick houses, not by sourcing brick from factories, but by building large mud structures and firing them in-situ. The interesting aspect of this technique is that it treats the void of the house as a kiln and produces all or some of the necessary ceramic products to finish the house such a tiles, pipes, washbasins and toilet fittings. It eliminates the need for cement and steel and achieves a permanent house with local skills and materials.

some of these articles on mud construction helped me understand the procedure much better.

The house done in auroville using this material is something that I found very intresting

The brick making technique

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