Sunday 7 October 2012

The barcelona pavillion- meis van der rohe

Minimalistic architecture attempts to draw us back to a different way of living and feeling, one that is calmer more serene and worthy and is charecterised by a formal vaccum and expressive silence.

i read the above statement in a book 'minimalistic architecture' by franco bertoni and i think it explains the principle of minimalism in architecture really well.

meis van der rohe said 'we do not need less but more technology.we see in technology the possibility of freeing ourselves..we do not need less science but a science that is more spritual...all that will become possible when man asserts himself in objective nature and relates it to himself'

this statement makes me realize the philosophy of his simple designs with the user in mind. his 'skin and bones architecture' based on synthesis of technique and sprituality overturns the singular.

his use of technology and material and symbolism is clearly seen in the design of brazilian pavillion in 1929.

a solid pedestal as in the greek temple, the cruciform pillars encased in sheaths of chromium plated sheet metal which allude to the gothic pillars and grooves of the doric columns, at the same time acting as indicators of reference in large spaces.
the strong wall panels of onyx amd vert antique marble create an intresting contrast with the lightness of the structure and glass walls, thus affirming the natural purity of the materials used.

reference to human history with the use of materials and the pedestal, innovative technology and new sense of space with the free layout of panels blend together spatial purity.

The trend of usage of low walls which serve as boundaries to function and vision as well as being space forming elements was started in this project which followed in many other minimalistic architecture buildings later on

history and present,myth and modern spirtuality,humanism and technique are blended so well making the stucture unifying opposite materials.


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