Monday 15 October 2012

Tadao ando and minimalism


Tadao ando is one of my favourate architect and taking about minimalist design in architecture and not mentioning his work would be making the topic incomplete.

The minimalist design is strongly influenced by the Japanese traditional design and architecture, which focuses on the simplicity and elegance of the shapes.

Tadao Ando creates buildings, in which light, water, wind and concrete are used in perfect harmony. concrete and glass is seen extensively in his designs.He encloses the spaces with thin concrete walls. The walls are the main element according to him. They have the power to divide the space, to rearrange the placements and to create new territories. He uses basic geometric shapes – squares, rectangles, circles, triangles. The most striking element of his design is the opening and the way in enhances and and makes spaces intresting.

In his residential designs He doesn’t seek openness in the outside, but rather aims to put a fence around the inner human space. The dense fence, which surrounds his buildings, is placed between the lively places – the yards, which make the rain, greenery and wind a part of the household territory.he thinks about the user in a very stong way and this is seen in detailing in his design.

I find almost all his buildings really intresting and explored some of them in detail to understand the his ideologies and thory in practice in terms of minimalistic and rational approach towards design.

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