Monday 5 November 2012

Less is More


After studying david chipperfeilds work i was keenly intrested in the minimalistic architecture and the roots of it and various other architects who practiced it extensively.

Architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe  coined the motto "Less is more" to describe his aesthetic tactic of arranging the numerous necessary components of a building to create an impression of extreme simplicity, by enlisting every element and detail to serve multiple visual and functional purposes.

He was not one of the first architects to practice minimalism but was the one to take the principles of it to new levels.His glass-walled Farnsworth House near Chicago stirred controversy and legal battles. His bronze and glass Seagram Building in New York City (designed in collaboration with Philip Johnson) is considered America's first glass skyscraper. And, his philosophy that "less is more" became a guiding principle for architects in the mid-twentieth century.

In minimalism, the architectural designers pay special attention to the connection between perfect planes, elegant lighting, and careful consideration of the void spaces left by the removal of three-dimensional shapes from an architectural design. The more attractive looking minimalist home designs are not truly minimalist, because these use more expensive building materials and finishes, and are relatively larger.

Designers such as buckminister fuller took the statement 'less is more' and modified it into 'doing more with less'. he was the inventor of the geodesic domes.his inspiration from the minimalistic architecture gave some great inventions to the world in the feild of architecture.

The idea of simplicity appears in many cultures, especially the Japanese traditional culture of Zen Philosophy. Japanese manipulate the Zen culture into aesthetic and design elements for their buildings. This idea of architecture has influenced Western Society, especially in America since the mid 18th century. Moreover, it inspired the minimalist architecture in the 19th century.

the other important architects who practice minimalistic style of design are
tadao ando
john pawson
alvaro siza
alberto campo baeza.

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