Wednesday 7 November 2012

Modes of representation-transperency vs illusion


Acheiving the art of dynamic movement inside a strict grid and also using a transprent facade throughout the building and yet acheiving privacy in the places required is something that attracted me to this project by wiel arets.

 The concept of the building was implaning a alien elemnt in the existing sysyem of the city which is comparable to a virus entering a human body and causing changes in it.the extentention to the academy inserts itself into the existing ensemble at the same time creating a new urban space.

The building is made up of modular units, here the a simple basic principle creates a diversity of effects.the facades consist of glass blocks with different degree of transperency that are fitted into the concrete frame made of square bays, in addition at places horizontal windows are inserted.particularly with the artificial-lit interior of the academy corresponds with the city outside, making the process of movement,communication and work visible.

The architect states that " Architecture is therefore a membrane, a alabaster skin,at once opaque and transperent,meaningful and meaningless, real and unreal"

In the intreior of the academy is also marked by the openness and at the same time by the industrial overtones supplied by the materials concrete and glass. the circulation system is entirely based on communication. from a single entrance which leads to the different parts of the building that are connected with each other by a bridge.


The arcadia lightwear builing done by sadar vuga arhitecti is the example i have taken to show the comparision between representation of transprency vs illusion in the representation of the architecture.

The ambivalant game of representation characterstics of a building for arcadia lightwear, a slovenian lighting planner and light fitting manufacturer is done well by the architect. instead of displaying its function outwardly with an effectively illuminated peice of architecture, the building presents itself with a deep, dark blue facade that draws the gaze into a black hole.

the showroom concealed behind in a certain sense acts outwardly as a 'hiding room'. only the building's recessed ground floor is covered with a shiny foil that at night reflects the light cast by the headlamps of the passing cars. that is to say, the buiding does not light up, it allows itself to be lit up. at the same time the architecture does not make this principle its sole concept. the offices and warehouse are not incorporated in the box oriented towards the rear and allows themselves to be recognised what they are. in contrast to the mainstream minimalism the architect is not primarily intrested in the creation of an aura around their architecture but in showing how such an aura is produced.

                              ground floor plan

       first floor plan


                                                                site plan

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