Saturday 24 November 2012

Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein museum

Studying Minimal architecture and having a special intrest in museums i came across this project which look like a 'black box' just placed in a space.the facade treatement with a hand carved surface which is plain but has the effect of a sculpture or stone in nature which transforms with different weather and time gives a sense of timelessness to the building and also allows it to transform the way it looks with time.the idea seemed really minimal in thought with great effects in the future.

Heinrich Degelo, Meinrad Morger and Christian Kerez have created a museum of great structural complexity and discreet simplicity. The closed form is a 'black box' of tinted concrete and black basalt stone. River pebbles embedded in the building's exterior provide a subtle coloration, forming a link to the landscape of the Rhine Valley.

The hand-carved surface of the façade invites touching, and reflects the surroundings. Long rows of windows open the black cube to both inside and outside. Inside the Black Box is a perfect White Cube. The building is clearly structured with maximum space devoted to art. The visible exterior of the building corresponds almost exactly to the public exhibition spaces. There are six exhibition rooms arranged around two diametrically opposed staircases. The ground plan, reminiscent of a windmill's sails, enables diagonal views through the whole building (text from website museum).

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