Monday 26 November 2012

memorial architecture

After studying minimlistic style of architecture & examples of it i came across the buildings designed as memorials which evoked my intrest.these were buildings designed in the memory of a important person of the nation or to signify the importance of event in history as a taken place at the location.

First i tried to understand the difference between a monument and a memorial.A memorial serves to remind about the person/event and to glorify the past from the perspective of the present, while a monument is a magnificent building with history. A memorial has pre-concieved thought whereas a monument outperforms the timecapsule. A memorial has a proposal, a monument is disposed. Architectural expression in both get reflected, in the memorial by virtue of the proposal, whereas in a monument by virtue of history.

how memorials compare with tombs or cemetaries makes me consider the Egyptian pyramids, which must be both monuments and tombs. Generally, I believe visitors to cemetaries go to commune in some way with deceased loved ones. Visitors to memorials go for a sense of historical, cultural reflection.

it evoked a lot of questions in my mind as to what would the requirements be? what would the structure look like and also what would be the pararmeters under which such buildings are designed.
i started looking through many memorial buildings designed by architects over time To understand this better.

Amongst the many buildings i found.most of them were for national heroes, a lot of them designed honouring the various war victims Or victims of natural clamities and also in the recent past terrorist attack victims and sites, and also some memorials designed for some tragic incidents that happened in the history. mainly the jewish holaucast in the europe. the holocaust has inspired people all over the world to look back at the tragic incident and learn from it. there are many memorials designed on the same topic worldwide.

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